Wednesday, April 11, 2012

When it comes to stem cell research I believe that scientists should be able to do research to see if this is a viable option for helping people in the future. I think that if we can take eggs that would have otherwise been disposed of and use them in productive ways we should. I know that some people are very weary about using fertilized eggs for a process that will make the fertilized egg no longer viable. This is a very valid concern which is why I think that there should also be clearly outlined regulations on any research that is done. The eggs need to be treated with respect and the scientists should know what they are going to do before they start working on the egg. We should restrict where the eggs come from as well. They should be eggs that are either donated to the research or they should be eggs that were going to be disposed of. For example, eggs that were going to be used for in vitro fertilization that were never implanted would be a viable option for research. All of the research must also be very carefully monitored to make sure that the eggs are being put to good use.

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